Sport Hotel Tyrol

New outdoor style: the charm of the Rio de Janeiro collection

In the captivating setting of the Sport Hotel Tyrol in San Candido, a relationship has developed that has successfully blended informality with elegance, a symphony of style woven through the distribution of our catalogs. The meeting with the owner was an opportunity to present him with our outdoor products, a combination of functionality and refinement.

After sending the quote, we personally visited to showcase the selected items. The choice fell on the sofas (BS615L) and armchairs from the Rio de Janeiro collection (BS615P), with their captivating design and promise of timeless comfort.

Luxury fabrics and furnishings at the hotel in San Candido.

But the real magic happened in the selection of fabrics, orchestrated by the owner's wife, demonstrating a keen eye for detail. Fabrics designed to withstand the elements, embellished with colorful cushions that add vibrancy and charm to the hotel's outdoor décor.

Everything unfolded with surprising fluidity, confirming that when passion for beauty combines with precision in operation, the result is always impeccable. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to transforming the spaces of the Sport Hotel Tyrol into an unparalleled sensory experience for its guests.